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Outcomes, General and Specific Page 2

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Assessment of Language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing)  now includes single -occasion tests (found on THE 3rd Page of New Evaluation Tools) with Documented assessment tools (found on this Page and on New Evaluation Tools 2nd Page) which are based on Performance and Observation Strategies.

The following examples of assessment tools are quoted from:


Examples of Tools for Performance and Oobservation-based

Assessment. Ministry of Education, 2005, Amman, Jordan.

General Procedures:

1-Identify the expected learning outcomes.

2-Identify the assessment strategies and tools.

3-Establish and set criteria. Involve students,

when appropriate, in establishing criteria.

4-Inform students of the criteria against which

their work will be evaluated.

5-Provide examples of the desired levels of performance.

6-Plan an assessment task.

7-Implement the task.

8-Apply the assessment tool.

9-Review the assessment data and evaluate each student's

level of performance.

10-Where appropriate or necessary, assign a grade that

indicates how well the criteria are met

11-Report the results of the evaluation to students

and parents.


Example One:

Class: Grade Three

Subject : English

Outcomes :

Students should be able to:

 - name colours.

 - say what colours they like.

 - name clothes

 - say where clothes are

 -say what people are wearing and what colour.

 -read and understand colour and  clothes description. 

Assessment Strategy :

Performance – Based Assessment (Role – Play)

Recording Strategy   :Rubric

Assessment Situation: Third Grade English Language teacher designs a

Role-Play to assess learners’ abilities and skills in using the new structures

and vocabulary introduced in this unit. For this purpose the teacher asks

learners to bring one or two pieces of their clothes to be displayed in the

classroom and to be used as shopping material for a role-play. Once the

clothes are collected in the classroom, teacher asks learners to label the

things they have brought and arrange them on shelves.


Students exchange roles as shopkeepers and

Customers to practice the language they have learned. e.g. :

Customer : Hello

Shopkeeper : Hello, can I help you ?

Customer : Yes, please. Can I have a shirt please ?

Shopkeeper : What colour do you like?

Customer : Blue.

Shopkeeper : What size ?

Customer : 9

Shopkeeper : Which one is it?

Customer : The one on the top shelf.

Shopkeeper : Here you are.

Customer: Thank you.


Rubric for (Role – Play) Assessment



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Speaks clearly and


V. clear




Not clear

Gives correct names

 and labels

All the time

Most of the



Not at all

Communicates clearly





Applies suitable

 language conventions





Forms “questions&

 answers” correctly






Example Two:

Class :Grade One

Subject: English

Outcomes: Students should be able to:

-read and understand words for colour.

- read words for numbers.

- write some alphabet letters.

- count objects.


Assessment Strategy : Pencil and Paper (Test)


Recording Strategy   :Rubric


Assessment Situation: At the end of unit 6 , first Grade English Language Teacher

 designed a test to assess learners’ progress in light of the  specific unit objectives ;

The test consists of 3 questions, and the rubric below is used to assess students,


Rubric for Assessment









reads and understands words for colour


all balls correctly


(4) balls correctly


(3) balls correctly


(1-2) balls correctly

Counts objects & reads words for numbers

Matches all words correctly

Matches (4) words correctly

Matches (3) words correctly


(1-2) words correctly

writes some alphabet letters – a – b –g -f

writes the letters correctly & neatly

writes the letters correctly

writes (3) letters correctly

writes (2)letters correctly



Example Three

Class :Grade Two

Subject: English

Outcomes: Students should be able to:

follow instructions

respect others

ask  questions correctly

answer  questions correctly

show punctuality

exchange roles

listen to others

identify colours 

talk about likes / dislike

sing  songs

identify all the characters in their text books

make / respond to suggestions

identify animals by size and color                                      

Assessment Strategy :Observation

Recording Strategy   :checklist

Assessment Situation:

        The English language teacher for grade two designed a checklist to assess group

work skills as s/he believes that effective group work improves the level of

students’ performance. The checklist was announced to the learners and

discussed with them at the beginning of unit 18 to make the learners aware

 of the skills and knowledge they have to develop.

   Teacher divided learners into groups and asks learners to take turns in leading

the group and share other group tasks . From time to time the teacher re-arranged

 grouping of learners.

    Teacher and learners agreed on time needed for each activity in the

unit before he started the observation checklist :


Checklist for Group-Work


Names of Students















Knowledge and Skills

Follow instructions





Make suggestions





Respond to suggestions





Respect others 





Asks  questions correctly     





answer  questions correctly     





Show punctuality 





Exchange roles   





Listen to others 





Identify characters   





Identify colors  





Identify animals       





Recognize words for colors  





Express likes   





Express dislikes       





Write words correctly     





Respect time








Example Four:

Class: Grade Two

Subject: English

Outcomes: Students should be able to:

 - consider their learning styles

Assessment Strategy : Reflection

Recording Strategy   :Rating scale

Assessment Situation: Second Grade English Language Teacher had to develop

 the skill of reflection among the learners, so when they finished unit 14 s/he

designed a rating scale to express their feelings about the type of learning

activities they are introduced to, the rating scale may look like this:


Reflection Rating Scale


Teacher uses a Like –Dislike rating scale

for certain items


Example five:


Class: Grade (1-3)

Subject: English

Outcomes: Students should be able to:

- develop good reading habits

- select and read book independently


Assessment Strategy : Communication

                                      ( Question and Answer)

Recording Strategy   : Anecdotal Record


Assessment Situation: Teacher utilizes this strategy regularly to assess

 learner’s progress especially in higher order thinking skills, problem solving

skills and the development of certain attitudes and values.


He / She might ask such questions as: -

          = Do you like to read?

          = Why do you read?

          = What do you like to read about?

           =What is your favourite book?  

= Do you start reading from left to right or vice versa?

= Do you start reading from bottom or top of the page?

= Do you use fingers while reading?

= Do you read word by word?

= Do you understand what you read?

= What do you do when you find new word?

= Do you use a dictionary?

= Do you use it all the time?

= What else do you use for help?

= Can you retell what you read?

= Do you write notes?

= What kind of books do you like? 

= Where do you read?

=  Do you have access to reading materials at home?

=  Do you move your lips when you read?

=  How much time do you spend on reading?   


 Anecdotal Record Card:

Then the teacher writes some notes about the

learners using an anecdotal record card:



Name :……Ahmed Hassan………………………………….


Date  :……March 16, 2005…………………………………….


Best areas identified by the questions and answers:


Ahmed showed great interest in reading ,he can choose the appropriate

 level of books, and uses good reading strategies.



Weak areas identified by the questions and answers:


Ahmed’s repertoire of words is still not satisfactory




Ahmed should spend more time on reading, also, he should read

e-books and write reading learning logs.



Example six:

Class: Grade Nine

Subject: English

Outcomes: Students should be able to:

- give talks on topics of different types of

read material

- understand and respond to spoken material

- understand the general meaning of a passage

of English conversation

- express obligation and lack of obligation

- extract skillfully specific information  from

linear and non-linear texts

- write a paragraph by expanding notes                                              


  Assessment Strategy :

 Performance – Based Assessment

             Presentation and Exhibition  

Recording Strategy   : A Rating Scale

             An Anecdotal Record


Assessment Situation: Ninth grade students will work on a 2 fold task based

on Unit 3  ( Preservation of Nature )to demonstrate their learning and their

progress towards  the curriculum outcomes, the task involves group presentations

and a school exhibition.

  The students will work in groups to perform the assigned task. They should

use the Internet and other resources to gather information about reserves in

Jordan and then deliver presentations to describe their present situation and

suggest further improvements through posters, which will be displayed in

the school exhibition.

The presentation should cover 7 points:

The aim of the reserve

The location of the reserve

The history of the reserve

The fund of the reserve

The role of the local community

Areas for improvement



 PowerPoint must be used, and prior to the presentation, copy of the slides

must be given to each other group to help them participate in the discussions

 and give a feedback

  When the students deliver presentations and gather feedback from peers

they design posters with illustrations and slogans based on the gathered

 information and their suggestions.

Before students start work , they discuss with their teacher criteria for


They may agree on using an anecdotal record for the presentation

and rating scale for the posters.


A: Poster Rating Scale    



message is clear, understandable, and thought provoking

3  2  1  0

Uses colour, shape, and mood to convey message

3  2  1  0

Visually pleasing in terms of arrangement, colour and images

3  2  1  0

Attention to detail is evident.

3  2  1  0

Slogan is expressive

3  2  1  0





0-not evident


B: Presentation Anecdotal Record



Needs improvement --------------------------------Exceptional











Appropriate sequencing of steps






Organized and logical






Use of sufficient description and detail









Response to audience needs






Voice: clear and well modulated








Example Seven:

Class: Grade Nine

Subject: English

Outcomes: Students should be able to:

 - identify main points

 - extract specific information

 - express opinion

 - tell the theme/gist

  Assessment Strategy : Pencil and Paper

Achievement Test (  Reading Comprehension)                   

Recording Strategy   : Rubric

Assessment Situation:

The English Language Teacher is going to give

Achievement Test in  (  Reading Comprehension),

but he is not going to mark it; instead, he is going

to ask the learners to use the rubric

to assess themselves:                   


Rubric for Reading Comprehension









Identifies main points

Identifies all main points

Identifies most main points

Identifies some main points

Identifies none of the

 main points

Extracts specific information

Extracts all items

Extracts most items

 Extracts some items

Extracts none of the items

Expresses opinion



Not Clear



Tells the theme/gist

Precise and accurate

Precise but not accurate







Reading Comprehension: (25 points(

Read the following text carefully:

             Road signs can be found in almost every country in the world. Everywhere,

 they need to be easily understood. They should be easy to read in darkness, in bad

weather and be understood by all drivers whatever language they speak. For this reason,

 most road signs use  only a small number of simple words, such as ‘stop’. They use

 pictures instead of words.

          In most countries, there are many kinds of road signs. There are signs with

a red circle around them which the drivers must obey. You find these where there

is a speed limit, or where drivers have to stop at a main road, or where there is

a one-way street.

              In Jordan and Europe, signs with a red triangle around them warn drivers

of danger. For example, they may be found where there is a steep hill or a sharp

 bend. They  are also used by men who are working on the road. In the USA or Japan,

however, they are yellow diamonds. Drivers who disobey these signs may be punished

. They may risk their own lives and others’.


 Now answer the following questions. Your answers should be based on the

text you have just read.

a. What is the advantage of making simple and clear road signs?


b. Mention two kinds of road signs?


c. What will happen to drivers who ignore signs with a red triangle?


d. Why do you think most road signs use pictures?


f. Find a word in paragraph two which means “follow”?


g. Write a suitable title for the text.


h. What does the underlined word  main’ in the second paragraph mean?


i. Are road signs important? Why?



Example Eight:

Class: Grade Nine

Subject: English

Outcomes: Students should be able to:

- use newly learned words

- write a paragraph on a given topic

- write  a composition of about 80 words

    on a given topic

  Assessment Strategy : Pencil and Paper

           Achievement Test (Writing)  

Recording Strategy  : Rubric


Assessment Situation:

The English Language Teacher is going to give Achievement Test in(Writing),

and he is going to use the rubric to assess them                 


Writing Rubric



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4


The student uses:

- Complexity of ideas

- Number and relevance of supporting fact and details.


- well developed, interesting ideas.

- Supporting detail that clarify and enhance the topic.

-Developed connected ideas.


- Sufficient supporting details

- Simple connected ideas.

- Some supporting details, but not enough.

- Few simple ideas not connected.

- Very few supporting details.


The student:

- Grammar.


- Correctly uses all of the conventions.

- Correctly uses most of the conventions.

- Correctly uses some of the conventions.

- Correctly uses very few of the conventions

- Spelling.


- Spells most words accurately.

- Uses phonetic spelling only for more difficult words.

- Uses phonetic and conventional spelling for familiar words.

- Shows some evidence of spelling strategies.

- Punctuation.


- Makes almost no errors.

- Makes few errors.

- Makes some errors

- Makes many errors.



Achievement Test



A. Question Number One

 Write a 5-sentence paragraph describing the  planet Earth using the notes below:


-Distance from the sun:            150 thousand km

-days in a year:                          365 days

-Day                                          :twenty-four hours

-Surface:                                     slowly moving

-Life:                                           many forms


Write here: ------------------------------------------


Question Number Two:

B.  Write  a composition of about 80 words on one of the following :

1.Describe your favourite animal. For example a horse. Why do you like it and how

 do you deal with it?

2.Describe how some of the inventions changed our lives. For example, the inventions

of the plane, the satellite, the computer,   the telephone…etc.

Write here:--------------------------------------------